Task updates functionality

Will all the collaborators see my updates or do I have to do put the @ symbol with their name to be notified?

Hi @Aline_V. Welcome. The collaborators of the task will receive notifications in their Inbox and via email, according to their settings. See the Asana guide article below for more details. Hope this helps!

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Thank you for your response.

So, the purpose the @ function is what?

Hi @Aline_V! :slight_smile: When you @mention someone in a task or conversation, they are automatically added as a collaborator and receive an Inbox notification.

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And even if they are already a collaborator, that is a way to be clear about who you are addressing in the comments. It is also easier to always mention rather that checking if they are already a follower. And people can filter mention in the Inbox so that will help them.

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