Hi! I am trying to create a vacation request form in Asana. I would like this form to include the start and end date of the vacation and make this into the start and due date of a tasks in an Asana project
I noticed there was an earlier topic which ended with a remark that this was now possible using date ranges. However, there was no explanation how to do this. I can’t figure out how to connect them
Thanks a lot! That worked. I was put off by the fact that you only need to connect it to “due date”
I would like to ask a follow up question. If possible, I would like to show approved holiday requests in a google calendar. So, when tasks are approved and move to the “approved” section in the project, they should appear in a public google calendar.
Thanks Arthur. The issue with that option is that all tasks in the project will be in the calendar.
I have set up a project in which a holiday request is entered as a task, which is then approved and moved to another section. I want only the approved requests to appear in the calendar
The last step I want to do is to send an email to the person submitting a form. I can’t figure out how to get Asana or Flowsana to send an email to that mailaddress though.
I tried to make a workaround and get a customfield asking for the mailaddress (so the submitter has to fill his mailaddress in twice, not ideal…) but then I run into the problem that Flowsana is not recognising the customfields so I dont get the option to send a mail to the mail address in that custom field
Thanks. I rather not use the customfield, but couldnt get it to work with the emailaddress which need to be filled in in the form
The form is for organisation users only. Not all of them will be using Asana actively, that’w why I wanted to message them via email instead of within Asana