Sorting only selected tasks

I understand how to sort all tasks and save views in a project, but what if I only want to sort some tasks? For example, I’ve got several sections of tasks and I’d like all the tasks in one section to be sorted alphabetically and the tasks in a different section to be sorted manually.

Is it possible to select only some tasks in a project and sort them according to a rule/view without affecting the other (unselected) tasks?


This would be a great new feature for me too, so I second the request.

My main use case is in My Tasks. Within Upcoming I keep an Agenda section which I manually keep sorted by due date. It would be wonderful if I could designate this section to be sorted by due date automatically, or even (a simpler Asana feature change) if I just had a command to sort selected tasks this way on demand manually.

(The Agenda section in My Tasks is a big time saver for me, even with a bit of manual effort involved, because it reduces my need to switch sometimes to Calendar View for My Tasks, or sometimes sort all of My Tasks by Date. I’ve been using My Tasks this way for a long time and it means I get a great overview of present and key future tasks/appointments all in a single view.)




Hey @Mary_Conquest & @lpb; Michael from Asana here.

This is an interesting proposition, though at the moment you can only sort all Tasks at one time, not a selection of Tasks.

That said, it might be worthwhile to make a post in our #productfeedback category for the Community to up-vote and our developers to see what the needs of our members are.

Hope this helps!

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Bridge24 for Asana is a great external tool to do that. You can filter some tasks with criteria, then you can sort and group them the way you want in a regular grid view. You can also export those tasks to Excel and do extra manipulation if you want.

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Thanks, @Daniel_Raymond. We’ll check that out :slight_smile:

If you post a link to that comment, I’ll definitely up vote! This is a great suggestion.

Here it is :slight_smile: