Sorting 'My Tasks' by due date and adding priority


I’m sure I’m just missing something but I would like to add priority to ‘My Tasks’ and to be able to sort my tasks by due date and then priority so that when Friday comes for example, I’ve already got my tasks set in priority order without having to run through them at the beginning of every day. Is this possible?

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The My tasks view does not (yet) have custom fields. So you’ll have to choose the priority either with a section, or an emoji in the name.

You can also have a custom field added to another project into which you multi-home the tasks. This way when you open the task you’ll see the priority.

In my case, I created an automation that adds a :fire: to the task name if the priority is “Urgent” (let me know if you want the same automation).

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What do you mean by a section? and yes, i’ll give the automation a go please

The My Tasks view has sections, usually Today-Upcoming-Later. In my case I have Top priority-Important-Secondary. I’ll contact you privately.

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