Some guest tasks don't show up in advanced search

Advanced search results don’t seem to work properly for guests. Specifically, I am looking for tasks assigned to a guest that don’t belong to any project. I know they exist and I haver permission to view them, because I created them.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Assign a task to a guest (do not add the task to a project)
  2. Navigate to that guest’s profile and you’ll see the task there
  3. Sort by project and scroll down to the bottom; you’ll see the task listed under “No Project”
  4. Do an advanced search for tasks assigned to that guest
  5. Sort by project and scroll down to the bottom; you’ll see the task listed under “No Project”
  6. Do an advanced search for tasks assigned to that guest In Project: No Project
  7. Search returns 0 results
  8. Repeat Step 7-8 for a non-guest and it works fine.

Browser version: Chrome Version 90.0.4430.93

Hi @Justine_D, thanks for flagging this!

I have gone ahead and tested this on my side and can confirm that for me, tasks without a project showing in a Guests My Tasks do indeed show in an Advanced Search for tasks assigned to this Guest.

Could you please provide me with a screen recording of this issue you’re experiencing so I can look into this further?

Thanks! :slight_smile: Looking forward to hearing back from you!

@Rebecca_McGrath I didn’t screen record initially and I’ve since homed all the ‘no project’ tasks into projects. I tried to create some new tasks to replicate the issue, but I couldn’t replicate it again. Not sure what happened! Hmm :thinking:

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Hmm, not sure what would have fixed this, @Justine_D but happy to hear it’s resolved! Just reach back out if you run into the issue again and we can take a look :slight_smile:

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