Single Seat

I know this has been posted multiple times already, but maybe the product team will listen if there’s enough complaints.

There needs to be a way to buy a single seat for Starter or Premium. Period. Don’t tell me it’s $10.99 per seat but not let me pay $10.99 for one seat!

I’m an Architect just starting out with my Solo Practice. In my previous roles, I really enjoyed using the Timeline feature to show construction and design schedules to Clients and that is the one feature that I want from Asana as I start out on my own. It’s a bummer that that’s the first item reserved for paid options, but fine, it’s worth $10.99. However, it’s absolutely not worth over $25.

As a side note, please bring Timeline to the iPad app. It makes no sense why that isn’t there yet.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Please make a Premium Solo Plan