Show other fields in Portfolio Timeline beside Project Owner

Can i have some other field show up in my portfolio bar when in timeline view? It defaults to Project t Owner, I would like to pick my own field.


Hi @anon59927504, welcome to the Asana Community forum :wave:t2:

At this time, it is not possible to change the field shown the Portfolio Timeline. For context, what other types of fields would you like to include in this space?

Currently, the Timeline shows the the Due Date of the Project with the Project Owner, just like a task would be shown with the Assignee.

Looking forward to hearing back from you :slight_smile:

hi Rebecca, thank you for the rapid feedback. I have a few categories in each project in the portfolio. I wanted the categories (or a custom field) to appear as opposed to the product owner. Please let me know if this is something that can be done through the backend?
Timothy Moran
Senior Director Product
Reveal Biosciences

Hi @anon59927504, unfortunately this isn’t possible right now but your feedback has been noted! We’ll keep you posted if we have any updates :slight_smile:

We also are interested in the ability to change the view so the colored bars show project name not ‘owned by ’


+1 for a limited expansion of display options on projects in portfolio timeline view.

Any updates on this?

And how to make the left column wider so that it shows the project name fully?

You can change the colour of the bar based off of a custom field but at the moment there is no way to show them any other way in the timeline.

Also @Mikko_Tynkkynen it is not possible to make the left column wider at the moment - I have other people asking for this.

Still waiting on this feature. How often are features implemented? Is there a place we can go to view upcoming updates?

Welcome, @Anson_Gutierrez,

Features are implemented weekly. To learn about updates/releases, go to:

See the first post there about “watching” to get notified if you like.



What is the prioritization of this feature? It seems extremely basic that I should be able to view the project title in full from the portfolio timeline view. This is the single most critical feature blocking adoption of Asana at an executive level for my company.

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Another vote for this please. Literally any other option except for “Project Owner.” If an admin or someone else on the project creates the project then it’s irrelevant that they are the “Project Owner.”

It’s honestly absurd that this isn’t an option. How many companies track their projects and compare work by project owner? “Project owner” isn’t terminology that I’ve ever used at any company I’ve worked for. A question for Asana users: do you ever refer to a project by its owner?

Ideally in the timeline view (which is probably the main reason people use portfolios) the value applied would be a custom value chosen by a user to denote the most important/useful parameter for project comparison.

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+1 - I would love to show the estimated time next to each task so I can see sprint allocation from the timeline and if there is space or not
 3-4 years on this feature =/

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Only the name of the project would also help. If you have a very zoomed out timeline, you must go from block (Owned by) all to the left to see which project it is. Not really handy.


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I need this too! It is not helpful from a departmental perspective to see project owner instead of the names. The portfolio is being used to make strategic decisions on what to move and who to be prioritised