customized field that can be turned on to show the project owner?

Is there a customized field that can be turned on to show the project owner? I have option for ‘created by’, but that doesn’t solve my issues.

Hi @Maggie_Owens1,

Do you mean as task-level custom field that would show the project owner for every task in the project? Or a project-level custom field that would show in portfolios where that project is included? Or something else…?

I would like to add a column, that shows who the owner of the project is. In this case, the owner of the project “Andres S/Maggie”. Which is Andres. That information is captured in Asana, I just need it to pull through to a customer field.

Thanks for the additional info.

Two points:

  1. It’s not something that’s available in Asana natively. It is something that’s available via our Flowsana integration (see below).

  2. It’s going to be a problem if a task is multi-homed to multiple projects; in that case, which project should get the owner info, or maybe it should be a concatenation of all projects - you get the idea, it’s not straightforward for multi-homed tasks.

If you did want to do it using Flowsana, you would use our Variable Substitution capability, and you’d build a rule something like (the following assumes that you create a text-type custom field called “Project Owner”):

If a task is created, then set its custom field "Project Owner" to the value "{project.Owner}"

or if you wanted to concatenate multiple potential project owners for multi-homed tasks, you could do something like:

If a task is created, then set its custom field "Project Owner" to the value "{task.Project Owner} 

Flowsana is not an option for us. Wish Asana would add this. I would assume this would be an easy fix since it all exist.

@Maggie_Owens1 I’ve moved this post to the Product Feedback section so that you, and others if they choose, can vote for it as an Asana enhancement.