Show date and Time in Comments rather than "X days ago"

There should be an option to display the “days ago” tag or the actual date. The system obviously has the date available to display since it is doing the math to calculate “days ago”. I have to keep opening a calendar to figure out the date since “days ago” is not useful to me.

Not necessary! You can just hover your cursor over the relative date to see the actual date.

This is not to negate this enhancement request but to make things easier for you right now.


Thanks for the useful tip, Phil!

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I completely agree. It’s also hard to reference previous notes when they say “X days ago.”

I agree with what everyone else has said here. It’s really inconvenient for tracking when things happened.

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This just added an hour of work to my day as I had to input a large amount of data. Needless to say, I hate it. What purpose does it even serve?

I wish I had read this post earlier. Pain.

Replace “x-days ago” in Comments with actual date and time

Hello @Hally_Bashor,

I merged your post into an existing feedback request thread. Don‘t forget to vote.

It’s been a few years. Where are we at with this?

I agree wholeheartedly with the need for comments to be displayed with the date rather than “X days ago”. Is there any kind of measurable feedback survey where we can submit this request so it might get some action instead of a comment forum?

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As a security professional in my organization, I’m frequently having to take screenshots or make PDFs of Asana tasks to show to our auditors. Auditors usually need to see exact date details of when a task was completed. However, recent changes to a task show up as “X days ago” or similar when looking at the task activity. Though it is possible to hover over this timestamp to reveal the exact date and time of the activity, that does not help me when I’m taking a screenshot or creating a PDF of a task.

It would be awesome if there were an option in Asana to always show the date and time in a tasks activity log instead of the “X days ago” type of timestamp.

I definitely agree with this! I don’t like seeing “Yesterday” or “6 days ago” I would love to simply see the date and time. Don’t forget to vote, as I did!