šŸ™ˆ Share Your Epic File Naming Fails and Let's Laugh Together!

Iā€™ve encountered some truly hilarious file attachment naming blunders throughout my journey using Asana, and I canā€™t help but wonder how some of these mishaps happen.

Like that time when someone accidentally sent the first proposal draft instead of the final version to a client, or when it took ages to locate a simple thumbnail or banner because of the ā€œcreativeā€ file names used.

:thinking:Itā€™s moments like these that make me question the thought process behind file naming.

:thought_balloon: It also made me realize the importance of efficiency and how often some unknowingly waste time on things we never initially considered. Itā€™s fascinating to uncover the hidden areas where small improvements can have a big impact.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m starting this forum threadā€”to share our collective experiences with the worst file attachment naming fails and have a good laugh together.

Letā€™s share those cringe-worthy file names that left you shaking your head in disbelief. :joy::open_file_folder:

Let me kick things off by sharing a few examples of ā€œNo goā€ file attachment naming that Iā€™ve come across:

  1. ā€œFinal_Version_Updated_Revised_Final_FINAL.docxā€ - When the word ā€œfinalā€ just isnā€™t enough, why not add a few more for good measure? :arrows_counterclockwise::memo:

  2. ā€œConfidential_Super_Secret_Classified_Report_For_Your_Eyes_Only.docā€ - Adding a lengthy title doesnā€™t necessarily increase its importance. Mission: Failed! :lock::see_no_evil:

  3. " Untitled design (2).png" or ā€œimageā€ - Ah, the classic default filename resulting from sheer laziness or forgetfulness. Not the most descriptive, is it? :framed_picture::man_shrugging:

Now, imagine how long it would take for someone to find the correct cover image to be displayed on the board view.

  1. ā€œoriginal-2ac1b98c-a03c-4823-b61d-64d976363cbbā€¦ā€ - Who doesnā€™t love a good alphanumeric jumble? This gem tells you everything you need to know about the imageā€”absolutely nothing. :crazy_face::1234:

  2. ā€œImportant Proposal.docxā€ - When a fileā€™s significance is overshadowed by the lack of effort put into its name, you know itā€™s a file naming fail of epic proportions. :no_entry_sign::briefcase:

  3. ā€œWhatsApp Image 2023-03-15 at 12:14.24 AM (1).jpgā€ - Ah, the notorious logo file named with a timestamp. Finding this logo will surely be a breeze with that naming convention! :camera::dash:

Now itā€™s your turn to share your hilarious encounters with file attachment naming gone wrong!:smile::open_file_folder:

P.S. Stay tuned for an upcoming post where Iā€™ll be sharing some tips and tricks for proper file naming.


Iā€™ve had final draft dd.mm (date) trying to give myself an idea of versions but then made another draft on the same day named the same thingā€¦ :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Great topic, @Andrea_Mayer!

Iā€™m guilty of filenames like:

  • project overview final
  • project overview final v2
  • project overview final v3
  • etc.

This reminds me of being at the airport gate for a departing flight and hearing, ā€œThis is the final boarding call for flight 9999.ā€

Then starting a few minutes later and repeating several more times, ā€œOnce again, this is the final boarding call . . .ā€

Please react to this post if you believe there can never be more than one final file attachment per document or final boarding call per flight. :pouting_cat:



Thanks for sharing @lpb!
You are definitely not alone with these file names.
But hey at least version numbers are used. :wink:
And I mean even a final file might need revisions or edits.

Your reference to boarding call fits really well though!


Oh, my. Hilarious analogy! :joy: :joy:


Epic post @Andrea_Mayer ! :rofl:


Classic disaster! There should be a big red WARNING pop-up flashing on the screen every time someone is renaming a file to ā€˜ā€¦Finalā€™ :joy::joy: ā€˜NO! DONā€™T DO IT!ā€™

Thanks for sharing @Andrea_Mayer !


Welcome to the forum, my good friend @Elina_P :wave:

Thank you @Richard_Sather ! Iā€™m glad to be here :hugs:

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Good article! Laughing alone at eleven oā€™clock at night.

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Donā€™t use ā€œexchangeā€ (server) in your domains or filenames when your companyā€™s name ends in ā€˜sā€™ or you might send the wrong message!

Hi find we have a lot of documents in our sharepoint named:

Copy of Copy of Copy of [document name] - [Userā€™s initials]

or sometimes

Document name - Copy - Copy - Copy

more rare but I sometimes have multiple user initials in the document name,

all this despite having version control enabled and the name of the users that created/edited the file right there next to the file name. it used to infuriate me but sadly have given up and I now turn a blind eye to these.

Oh yes, another great example! Have been seeing such also a lot of times.

:frowning: Managing this to ensure everybody uses proper file naming can indeed be a challenge on its on

Having multiple versions of same file because someone doesnā€™t know they can open and edit the OG file, so they just change one word to all caps. List 2.0 becomes LIST 2.0 :joy:


These are all sitting in our production environment as we speak. I love NEW.hdf.old the best.


Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @Jeff_Presz :wave:

And thanks for sharing.

I agree with that :rofl:

Canā€™t believe I just did thatā€¦ :woman_facepalming: Thereā€™s no escape! :scream::joy:


:joy: too funny

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Hi there,
best thing Iā€™ve seen: they were using whitespace for versioning. Hilarious!

Document .docx
Document .docx
Document .docx

Not a jokeā€¦


Hahaha, thanks for sharing,I have never seen that before :joy: