🙈 Share Your Epic File Naming Fails and Let's Laugh Together!

I am definitely guilty of some overly creative file naming especially when downloading reports. I often end up with:

  • Filename date.xlsx
  • Filename date AGAIN.xlsx
  • Filename date AGAIN AGAIN.xlsx
  • Filename date THIS IS THE ONE.xlsx

At least it gives my co-workers a giggle.


I’m super guilty of not appropriately naming image files when I download them. I’ve ended up with a folder named “Shutterstock” and I just throw all the photos I purchase from Shutterstock into there.


Photos can have so many diver uses. How do you name/organize your photos?

Hey @anon42731355 we usually rename stock images based on what is being displayed on these images. Now I guess everybody might have their own naming structure which could be for example: “mango-smoothie-bowl-500-500” (the 500-500 is the size), others might name it as “yellow mango smoothie bowl”
The key thing is naming them so they can easily be located. Dropbox for example even allows tagging files meaning you can categorize them even further for team members to locate super fast on what they are looking for

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