Set default view

I am trying to set a project in Board view, but I am not seeing the three dots that I have previously been able to click in order to “set default view”

Is there a way to set this view?

Hi @Ryan_Marchand right-click on the name of the view you would like and the menu with the Set as default option will appear.

If the tab is not the current one, you must right-click as @Jeremy_Long answered.

If the tab is the current one, either a click or a right-click will work.



Goedemorgen, als ik het tabblad ‘Agenda’ probeer in te stellen als standaard krijg ik steeds de melding dat Asana opnieuw geladen moet worden. En dus kan ik de standaardweergave nooit opslaan.

Welcome, @Erica_Coördinator_tr,

Try these troubleshooting steps, then please create a support ticket: see How to contact our Support Team.



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