Is there a way to see the most recent comments in List view? (or a workaround)
I manage a design team and when we get close to show dates we will have a large stack of design requests. Traditionally the creative director has used a spreadsheet so they can see the status of everything at once.
I don’t want to double track items. But I need a way to see the current status that is more detailed than a custom filed selection.
Example: A ticket may be sent out for partner review. I do have a custom field to track that – which is great at a high level. But when we have not heard anything back for three days that is not detailed enough so I add notes like:
followed up with partner, no response
Jim approved but needs to show CEO
will give answer by tomorrow morning
I tried creating a custom text field and using a rule to add notes there to the comments, but the rules can’t see the custom field.
Right now I do have the macro steps of the process as a custom field. But at times I have large amounts of design requests and as I audit them I like to write notes so I can keep track of the last time the ticket was reviewed.
A ticket is sent to an outside partner for review. They sit on the ticket for multiple days so I write follow-up notes every time we check in with them.
I want to be able to see those notes in list view. So when I meet with my boss I can instantly say “Followed Up with ABC last this morning” without clicking into a ticket.