Search Within Project

There used to be a Search This Project option (or something to that effect, can’t recall the words exactly).

It’s been gone for many months. I submitted request 01243500 to Asana support weeks ago, but radio silence for weeks so checking here.

Is there a method with less clicks that effectively searches text within the current active project, other than clicking the search bar, clicking the Show Advanced Search, clicking the Location dropdown, clicking the In Any Of These Projects options, moving your hand from mouse to keyboard to type in the name of the project you are currently on, clicking the Project name to select it and finally entering the text to search for and clicking Search? Am I unreasonable for not wanting to perform this many steps for something I used to do very often when the Search This Project was available? This one has been pretty frustrating, any insight at all would be greatly appreciated.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Add “Search in project” in the project toolbar