Search tab gets stuck on send your first message screen on Android

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Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing: if in the search window I click on my team, I get a screen telling me to send my first message. But the new message button doesn’t do anything, and then anytime I want to search something I see the send your first message screen and I’m not able to search.

Steps to reproduce: Go to search tab. Within search tab, select teams. Under teams, select your team. The send your first message screen comes up. But when you click new message it doesn’t do anything, and now if you navigate away and then try to search again, you just get to send your first message screen and you can’t actually search anymore until you close the app and open it again.

Browser version: I am using Asana android app version 7.71.4 on Android 13.

What version of Asana are you using (Basic/Premium/Business/Enterprise)? Premium

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HI @Ruth_Wong, sorry for the trouble. Can you confirm if the issue persists after reinstalling the app?

Yes, issue persists after reinstalling the app. Thanks for following up & happy holidays!

Thanks for confirming, Ruth, escalating this to our Developers now. Happy Holidays!

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Hi @Ruth_Wong, our Developers have pushed a fix for this issue. If this continues after updating the app, let me know! :slight_smile:

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Amazing. Thank you!!

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