Rule in MyTasks reassigns tasks to me

I make extensive use of MyTasks and use a rule which moves completed tasks to a section named “Completed”. However, this rule also reassigns tasks to me, even when someone else finished this. This is obviously a bug. I found two forum posts about this but the solution always was “Remove this rule”. For me, this is no solution, as I have to change sections of completed tasks manually.

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You have to change the rule to only run on tasks. This happened to me too and I figured out the solution because it only happened on subtasks (assigned to others) that sit underneath a task (assigned to me).

It seems like a big oversight that this is happening. Rules in My Tasks should only run on tasks that are assigned to yourself. You can’t even add a condition for it to check that the assignee is yourself.

Hope that helps!

Encountering the exact same problem. My coworker has a rule that when a custom field is set to In Progress, that task would move to a different section in his My Tasks. So of course it’s reassigning my own tasks to him when I change a task to In Progress.

C_R_CT’s solution might work, I’m not sure. But at this point I’ve opted to simply remove all rules that automatically move tasks to sections. I can’t stand the risk of tasks mysteriously vanishing again. I recognize that can’t be a solution for every team, but for our volume of tasks and workflow it’s not a massive inconvenience, just a moderate one.

But yeah, this should definitely be fixed.

I can see how this is frustrating. One thing I did not understand is:
Are the rules build under ‘My Tasks’ and include other people’s workload?

The set up of My Tasks has always been with a view of your own workload and not to include other assignee. If you do collaborate on workflow that involves others, I would recommend creating a project and creating the workflow in that project to keep it isolated.

I am not sure that is the use case that is being discussed.

I think this is what is happening - from my own experience.

I have a task assigned to myself (which of course shows up in My Tasks). There are subtasks underneath this task assigned other folks. When a rule in My Tasks is set to run on both tasks and subtasks, the rule doesn’t take into account the assignee. Therefore, the rule triggers on the subtasks when it’s assigned to someone else. You are also unable to add a condition to check the assignee.

The My Tasks rule is not checking the assignee, which is a clear oversight given the rule is intended to only run on your own tasks.

Apologies, I didn’t see there were replies on this.

I just ran a quick test to confirm, and I was able to recreate the issue with a subtask, but not a regular task. Here’s the breakdown.

  1. I added a Test Section to My Tasks. I set a rule in My Tasks that when a task or subtask’s field is changed to Conference, it would move to the Test Section of My Tasks.

  2. The rule works as normal for my own tasks. I assigned a task to my coworker and set the field to Conference, and it didn’t reassign it to me. So that’s good. However, when I have a task assigned to myself, and then create a subtask assigned to my coworker and change the field to Conference, it reassigns the subtask to me and puts it in my Test Section.

  3. I changed the rule to only function on tasks, not tasks and subtasks. This fixed the issue, and the subtask is no longer reassigned to myself.

  4. However, the rule still behaves a bit strangely, and not the way I’d expect. Even though it is set to only run on tasks, it still runs on both tasks and subtasks that are assigned to me. So although making this change on the rule solved my problem, it doesn’t appear to do what it says it will do, which is counter-intuitive.

Hope that helps!