Reporting on Multi-homed Tasks

Im running into an issue when trying to create a reporting dashboard for tasks that are multihomed - wondering if anyone can solve or confirm cant be done.

What Im trying to do
Report on time spent on tasks wether or not they are complete within a specific look back window. The purpose of this is to show where my time was allocated over say the last 1-2 weeks as part of a 1-on-1 meeting.

Issues Im running into
My workflow in Asana is such that I have projects set up as meeting agendas. I will multi-home a task I want to cover in the meeting agenda to a “meeting agenda” project so its now in two projects.

When I go to report, I dont want the meeting agenda projects to show up because they are just noise from a reporting standpoint. But if I filter them out, then the task goes unreported completely despite its original project not being filtered out.

Anyone know if theres a workaround? Im rather enjoying my workflow, but the loss of reporting functionality is a bummer.

That’s an interesting case.

If you have a business/advanced plan or above you could add all but the meeting projects to a portfolio, and then have the report only use tasks under that portfolio.

I think it’s either that or add all the projects under “in any of these projects”

Awesome. Totally workable work-around. Thanks @Jan-Rienk !

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