Report of hours in week ahead

We do our planning on Fridays where we then list all of our tasks for the week.
We are not getting through all our tasks so I need to be able to pull a report of how many hours is on anyone’s plate for the coming week.

Everyone should work a 40 hour week but there are interruptions and unforeseens that happen during the course of a week so we are looking for better ways of mitigating missed deadlines.

From the Portfolios > Workload section, I can see how much work is someone’s plate but we have not quite figure out where the Workload is pulling that data from.

Is there another form of report we can pull on a Friday that we can all agree that we are close to 40 hours a week and that we are factoring in the unforeseens

Many thanks.

Workload is reading the tasks from the projects its portfolio contain. Choose an effort based on time estimate custom field and you are good to go!

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Thank you Sebastian. I recently deleted the estimated hours custom field, thinking it was imported when I imported all our work from our SuiteCRM.

The problem is that we also have implement EverHour, so there is now 3 places to enter time which becomes a bit of a problem.

Is there any other way of doing it and then how does one pull a report for the week ahead? I don’t see a a report in Portfolios.

Then on my opinion it makes more sense to pull that report from everhour since you delegated time management to the app.

@SixfootJames You can use the custom field called “Estimate” that contains the time estimate and then use this one custom field in both the workload and in Everhour

Thank you @Paul_Grobler!
If I add that custom field it overrides the EverHour custom field.

I can see how that is useful because now we don’t have to add it twice. But does that mean they are the same thing?

@Rebecca_McGrath - can you please open this ticket again?

@VaneDigital - see this post

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