Removing Assignees from Dropdown - No Option for "Deprovision"

Hi, we want to remove all of our old team members from the Assignee dropdown menu as we are a very small team and it makes it cumbersome to find our current team members. For some reason our team member who left the longest ago is at the top of the list.

“Deprovision” is not an option when I follow the steps laid out in other threads. Please let me know how we can deprovision if that is happening.

After I select “Remove Access” it says “If this person should lose all access to the Organization, contact your Administrator.” over their name and there is no other option.


Based on the message you see, I am guessing you are not the admin of the Asana account and that the admin should do the deprovisionning.

Hi @Conor_O_Sullivan, welcome to the Asana Community Forum! You can confirm who is your Organization’s Admin following these steps:

  • Click your profile picture
  • Select About my Organization > Admin access

If the Admin is no longer active in your Organization, please contact our support team: How to contact our Support Team ✉.

I hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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