Remove collaborator from Projects

I created a lot of templates for projects. Now, when those templates are used I am a collaborator on every task. How do I remove myself as a collaborator on the task level?

Hi @anon46197189
If you go into the template project and select all of the tasks max 50 at a time you should be able to remove yourself as a collaborator.



There needs to be a way to unfollow ALL tasks and subtasks. I don’t care to see anything in my inbox unless it is a @mention. Yes you can now filter to just @mention, but it still is super annoying to get flooded with notifications because I’m a collaborator on every single subtask.


This doesn’t seem to help me if I created a bunch of tasks in a template and then my team used that template to make 50 or so projects based on it. Right now I’m having to go into each task and subtask and remove myself as a collaborator on each of those projects and it’s incredibly time consuming. There doesn’t seem to be a way to just remove myself from every task in a particular project without having to select them individually.



I agree - even going through and removing myself as collaborator 50 tasks at a time is SUPER time consuming and annoying. In my opinion, templates, by default should not include any collaborators, and users should just be given the option to retain collaborators when converting to template.


@Bastien_Siebman is this a tool that you might be interested to build? The ability to remove collaborators from a template project with a couple clicks?

This is always a final step in the process when I construct templates so that I’m not a collaborator on things I don’t need to track myself.

I am not sure there is a lot of value because you can basically run a search for all tasks and subtasks from those templates where you are a collaborator and then select them 50 at a time and remove yourself. My tool would save you a few minutes, maximum, and you need to do it one time only.

But someone really sees value in such a tool they can reach out to me!

You are correct, @Bastien_Siebman. The value is in the time saved because of the 50 tasks bulk select limitation. Personally, not many of my templates extend beyond 100 tasks so not a huge deal for me. Just thought it was worth tossing out there for others with more extensive templates.

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Unless of course the tool allowed you to clean up multiple template projects at once. More of a “spring cleaning” type of activity.

We could indeed imagine multi-selecting projects and letting the tool remove all collaborators. That would not be hard to code, just need someone to financially pitch in as it is not on my roadmap :slight_smile:

The people must speak :speaking_head: :wink:

This would help me a lot. For now I’m just writing and trying to organize my ideas to identify what I most like to do along with my best habiliteis to try somethinh mew. Researching, writing it down and many other components have been helping me! Do you have already your tool? We just need something not that complex. I think this way make it even harder and too manual to put everyone on board!

Literally the best answer!

Do you know something that would make it easier for me to put every horn in board and eventually I will identify on what I’m going to focus?

Then you can reach out to me privately to discuss details.

I am not sure I follow, I don’t see the link between your sentence and the topic of this thread.