Recurring task doesn't copy comments

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
If I setup a recurring task, add comments, and mark the task completed, the duplicated version of the task (at the new reoccurring date) does not have any of the original comments.

Steps to reproduce:
Create a task
Add comments
Make the task recurring
Complete the task
Wait for the duplicate task to be created for the next occurrance
Check task for previous comments. They will not be there.

Browser version:
Chrome: 88.0.4324.150

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Hi @Sloan_Seaman, thanks for reaching out! This is currently working as expected and it’s not a bug. As it stands, when you mark a recurring task complete the duplicated version won’t include the comments from previous tasks. You can see more information about recurring tasks in this article.

Hi @Emily_Roman I am digging in to the difference here and if I should use re-occurring tasks vs. task templates for a group.

Want to confirm a few things:
Will due dates be adjusted as the task reproduces?
Comments and attachments won’t recopy on the re-occurring task?
Does it now re-occur like how it was originally made?

Thanks for reaching out, @KimberlyAnn_DiCredic!

Yes, due date are adjusted. When a recurring task is marked complete, it will duplicate all the information into a new task with a new due date. The interval you’ve set for your task’s recurrence will determine the new due date.

All fields (except task comments) are copied over when a recurring task copies itself, including subtasks and attachments.

Due dates for periodically recurring tasks are determined by the date the task was last completed but you can also set the task to repeat daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.

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