Project Due Date AND time population in Due Date field

Currently, in our workflow, we populate projects in our portolio from templates. Those projects receive a due date in their first Status Update as well as several other custom field details. However, our projects are due at a specific time. In order to have my Portfolio arrange projects according to their due date AND time, I need to manually add another date field so I can input time of day.

I am looking for the ability to either add due time to the due date or for custom fields to harvest some information from the project. If not that, then perhaps some additional level of automations I can apply to the Portfolio level.

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Additionally, the date field does not have time as a persistently-present data point. Unless the due date is today or tomorrow, the time is only visible from the portfolio view if you hover the mouse over that field.

It would be great if the Date and Time that a project is due could be visible persistently, and display that data based on the due date populated from Overview/Status Updates.