Populate due date once a field is selected?

I found this when doing a search regarding a question a member of my team had regarding custom status fields: “Does anyone know if there is a way to have a due date automatically populated once a certain field is selected for a task?”

Is this something that the Product Team indeed implemented for rules, or did it not get worked on? Thank you!

Hi @Susan_Gill and welcome to the forum!

FYI I moved your post to a new thread since it’s really about a different topic than the other thread.

In terms of your question, yes, that’s overall possible via a rule. Whether it will work for your teammate depends on the specifics of exactly what they want the due date set to, what they mean by “field is selected”, and whether they have access to custom rules at your Asana subscription level. But here’s an example of how it might be done:

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Thank you! I’ll pass along the info and see if it works.