Progress Tab Attachments

It’s not possible to add attachments on the Progress Tab. Thus we have to go into conversations after we have done a progress update and add the attachments with a new comment.

Would you consider adding the attachment option to the progress tab?

Please vote if you agree!

Good point @Finn_Stenberg, thank you so much for raising this issue! As you mentioned, you can always add attachments afterwards via comments, but I agree it would be useful to be able to attach documents while drafting your project update! Will keep you posted as soon as I have an update on this topic!

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There is not possibility to add an attachments on the “New Status Update” of a project using the web version. There is no any icon indeed.
Instead, it is possible using Iphone, and in fact it is working great.
I believe it is really an improvement that need to be done becuase often in a Update can be requested a photo or a file.
Thank you!

Thank you for taking time to create feedback following the conversation with Marie! :slight_smile:
Hopefully this is something we can address in future updates! :crossed_fingers:t5:

Friendly reminder to cast your vote by clicking on the vote button next to the title!

Have a great weekend Francesco and welcome to the Forum!

Hi everyone! :wave:

I’m excited to announce that our product team is starting to roll out a feature that will allow you to add attachments in your Status Updates! If it’s not available for you yet, it’ll be available very soon!

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions! :slight_smile: