Problems with creating task by sending mail to

I have been using the feature of forwarding an email to to create a task for years by now, acting as sort of a bridge from Outlook to Asana for emails which are in fact more or less a task. Very often I send the email itself as an attachment. This has some advantages to me, which I will not explain, to not bore you :blush: The last (few?) weeks I always get an email reply from Asana saying “We were unable to process the attachment named: undefined”. The task itself gets created, but without the MSG-attachment. Is this a bug or a new feature aka wanted behavior. In the first case it would be great if this could be fixed and in the second case, I have to see how to create a workaround.

Hi @Philip_McCreight, thanks for flagging this!

In this case, I’d suggest reaching out to our Support team as they have access to additional tools that we don’t have here on the Community team to be able to look into this further for you.

You can reach out to them by following the steps below:

I hope this helps! :slight_smile:

Thank you, @Rebecca_McGrath. For some strange reason this error doesn’t appear anymore today, after a few weeks of troubles. If I run into problems again, I will contact the support as you suggested.

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