How Duration is calculated/displayed doesn’t make sense to me. See these two examples:
Perhaps after a year it starts displaying in years not weeks, but the “1 year” is misleading because it’s more like 1.5 years.
In general, each of Duration and Time Remaining should have the option to choose the units (weeks, months, years, for example). The current approach, whatever exactly it is, could also be an option, but I and a client today both believe the inflexibility here is very unfortunate and not really up to the level of an enterprise product, and for the reason in #1, not a good default either.
@lpb , I’m still having issues with any durations over a year long not being at all precise.
Seems like the values get rounded up/down to the closest amount of years. It would be better if the values all remained in number of weeks. Or better yet, if the value changed to year/months which is definitely better than a decimal added to the year value… i.e. 1 year and 9 months is clearer than 1.75 years!
In your Portfolio, go to your ‘Customize’ menu in the upper right and enable the fields ‘Time remaining’ (and ‘Duration’ if you like).
Note, these fields will only populate once you set a start & due date for your projects within the Portfolio so you may also want to enable the ‘Date’ field from the Customize menu so you can add dates to all your projects.
By adding dates to your projects, then they will also show up in the Portfolio > Timeline view as horizontal bars with the ‘Default’ colour as per the colours of your projects.