Persistant tables in comment entry

I believe this is a bug, but can not enter bugs.
Using Firefox browser.

I wanted to play with Tables and inserted one via the “+” in the comment entry of a task. I can not delete the table out of the comment or affect it other than to add cells or move cell borders.
A forum post said highlight the column and addition option should allow you delete it but this does not work.
Now on that task the comment entry has tables in it permanently. Other tasks do not have this. It is persistent after refresh of page. It shows up if I go to the task through home or my tasks.
If the comment is posted it has the tables but they are recreated in the comment entry.

I did manage to get the table out of the comment entry by posting, quickly entering new text in the comment entry before the tables in the comment entry were recreated, and posting again.

In attempting to recreate I found that if you insert a table into comment entry and post with nothing in the table it will recreate the table in the comment entry.
If you put something in the table then it does not.

@Dean21 - welcome to the forum! Could you screenshot/record what you’re doing? I don’t think I understand the behavior you’re encountering. I don’t have any issues deleting rows, columns, or entire tables from comments.

I inserted a table with the “+”
I click on “comment”

If there is no text in the comment entry, the table is recreated in the comment entry when you post the comment. You can see there is still a table in the comment entry. I only created one table then commented multiple times as it was recreated.
If there is text in on the page then it does not recreate the table in in the comment entry.

It is not a serious bug once you know how to get rid of the table, or can effect the table.

The issue was that I can not delete a table from the comment entry (or rows/columns). I can only add cells with the mouse over “+” or move lines. Since I was just testing I didn’t enter anything into the table and it would not go away.

@Dean21 - ah, ok thanks for the rundown. Confirming that I can recreate this behavior. In addition to your solution, you can also just select all (ctrl + A) in the comment entry box and delete.

I agree that this is confusing behavior and only seems to happen with an empty table. Maybe someone on the @Forum-team can check with their team next week and see if this is a bug (certainly seems like it, albeit a minor one).

Hello @Dean21 and @Stephen_Li

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

While I was able to reproduce the issue, I want to set the expectation that it is a minor bug, and unfortunately, we won’t be able to log it directly as a bug. We can only assist with escalating larger-scale or higher-impact issues.

In my experience, minor bugs like this are frequently resolved when teams focus on addressing related features. As such, this issue may be fixed in a future update.

I still encourage you to log a ticket with our support for reference. Please keep in mind that we are currently experiencing a high volume of requests, so it may take some time for our support team to respond.

Thank you!

I tried ctrl A and it didn’t work for me.

I still can’t do anything with the inserted table.

Some of the behavior was odd in what got selected. I could sometimes get it to select everything even outside of the comment entry.
I’m not a programmer but I used to test (break) software. It seems that some of the actions aren’t completely confined to the entry box. I would have to dig further to really define the specifics.

Agreed. I thought it was more severe when I couldn’t get the table out of my response. Once I figured that out then it wasn’t a real issue.
I didn’t have access to report it as a bug. That was what I tried first.

Thanks for the responses.

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