Pause tasks when project on hold

I would love to be able to put an entire board “On Pause” and resume it and have the date due flow resort based on when you turn the project “back on”.

When we have projects that ramp up and low capacity within a team we typically have to put a project on pause while we work through something and have to manually go back in and recreate a calendar. Its a huge sink of time.


Hi! Have you figured out how to do this? I’m trying to work on this myself.

We, too, are searching for a way to PAUSE a project. We have a lot of detail built in and want to preserve it for the short-term future. But the resources are unpredictable right now so we need a way to pump the brakes without adjusting every due date. Asana, Help!


I’d like to pause or put on hold my project because of Covid. I understand I can update the Project status to On HOLD (in the portfolio view) or archive the project, however, the tasks in the project still appear in my colleague’s My Tasks section. So my request is:

  • Once the project is archived or with status “On Hold”, the tasks will be on hold and not appearing in the assignee’s My Tasks (or maybe moved to an On Hold section of My Tasks) so that people aren’t reminded about them anymore.
  • Can the On Hold status be updated directly within the project’s Overview instead of within Portfolio? It’s inconvenient to go to Portfolio, add the project just so that we can update the status to On Hold.

Hi @Lan_Nguyen, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:

Thanks for providing this feedback!

While this feature isn’t available right now, hopefully it’s something our Product team can implement in the future.

Regarding the project status, you can update this from the Overview tab of the project. :slight_smile:

+1!!! How do we vote up feature requests?!


Hello @anon30936248 welcome to the Asana Community :wave:

Make sure to vote on this thread. I have only seen one vote so either you or Lan might have forgotten to vote :wink:
Nevertheless the Asana team not only monitors how many votes a feedback request thread has but also how many views :slight_smile:
I have also found a similar thread you might be interesting upvoting: Establish A Pause Feature


Has this feature been successfully implemented yet? I see it was requested in March so I imagine so, but am still new to Asana. If not, is there an alternative way to hide batches of tasks from the same project to get the same result in the meantime?

Interested as well! I have many projects on hold and I don’t want to re-assign people - then again, I guess they could be re-assigned.

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Hello, an upvote from me. Having project tasks that are on hold appear in the Portfolio Workload view makes this view useless and scheduling near impossible.

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I was just searching for instructions on how to do this exact thing, but I guess I’ll stop looking. I have added my upvote to this request - hugely valuable and removes confusion/frustration of tasks showing as “overdue” when the entire project is on hold. I don’t want to remove my timelines for tasks because they show the anticipated duration of tasks, which will support rescheduling deadlines once the project is taken off hold.


upvoting this feature request


I also would be very grateful if tasks from on hold projects did not show up on people’s task lists!

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Welcome to the Forum @Stacey_Wieland! Thank you for adding to the conversation around this feature request. If you haven’t already done so, remember to upvote at the top of this thread.

This request seems similar to this one: Establish A Pause Feature

Is there any way to know if this is on the product roadmap?


I’ll add one more function that this feature could have - the ability to add time to a project with a blanket approach, extending all established dates by a specified interval.

So for example, if I put a project in “on hold” status, the deadlines would remain as set but would no longer appear on the task lists of assignees and not show as overdue. Then, say after 4 weeks, when the project is ready to be reactivated, we can say “add 4 weeks” and all of the timelines associated with individual tasks and the overall project would be pushed out by the specified 4 weeks.

This would maintain the anticipated duration of tasks and the critical path without needing to update the deadline of every single individual task and subtask in the project.


I’ve just started to use Asana for the first time. I’m surprised that there is no ability to pause a project.

We’re a micro business with many more ideas that we have time to implement! I had hoped to create a backlog of a range of potential projects that could be built to see what was involved. This would enable me to select the projects that offered the best return on likely investment. I’d planned the use pause and unpause to manage this process.

Does anybody know another way for me to achieve what I’m seeking?

For example, should I create a portfolio of “Potential Projects”?


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Hi everyone, is this feature available now, I can see it as an option but I have no idea if it will actually remove the tasks and place the project on hold for the user? Thanks :slight_smile: @Rebecca_McGrath @Andrea_Mayer

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HI @Lo-Anne_Lewis (sorry i know you didn’t tag me) the project can be set as on hold as a status but it will not pause or show in the tasks.

Thanks so much :slight_smile: