Paired programming & workload

I’m working on potentially migrating our software team into Asana out of Jira. We rely heavily on paired programming. While the Workload function in Asana is potentially very useful, I am struggling to see it account for tasks where multiple assignees are needed.

In, multiple task owners are permitted, and then the workload can be summed or split between the owners (i.e., if Task A has an 8-hr. estimate, then both devs assigned can either spend 4 hours each or 8 hours each). I’m looking for a similar function in Asana. How can I represent assigned tasks and corresponding estimates when developers are going to share responsibility for a single task? I tried creating a subtask called “Pair Partner” and assigning another dev, but that requires adding the estimate on the subtask which in turn doubles the estimate on the primary task. I also tried adding a “People” field type and assigning the 2nd dev there, but Workload seems to only calculate off of the “Assignee” field. Halp!

Surely this isn’t a one-off use case. How can I use Asana to assign tasks to more than one person and/or leverage Workload for these paired programming scenarios?

Thank you!