The holy grail of being productive has three elements:
- Capture stuff (as per Dave Allen’s GTD methodology) and there seem to be options here to get things into Asana
- Create collaborative projects quickly and share them. Asana is amazing at this
- Be able to add resources, times to actually get the ideas done. This post is focused on that last stage.
Currently Asana cannot do #3 for several reasons: no start dates, no durations, no resource planning etc
I have just stumbled across Outplanr. It has impressed me! Currently free and in beta it is likely to be a similar price to Forecast according to their website ie $5 per user / per month.
I liked the simplicity of Forecast and currently enjoying the 30 day trial. That plans just at the project level. Outplanr appears to have excellent integration with Asana , great documentation, simple to use yet very powerful.