Notifications from different Asana Teams

Hi, I am an independent consultant, working with many clients. Some of them use Asana and others don’t. I use Asana as my personal main to-do/task and project management system. I am currently also a member of 6 other Asana instances of clients. Now I’d like to get notified in my own personal Asana instance about updates or mentions in the other client instances. Is this at all possible? So an automatic task in the inbox of my own Asana instance, of mentions or updates in other, client-owned Asana instances?
Thank you in advance for your reply.

Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @Jan-Willem_Boerhout1 :wave:

This is currently not possible, however if you have your personal email also added to the other Asana Orgs you can basically access all easily by switching. When you click on your icon on the top right you see the other organizations and if there are nee notifications for you it will show a symbol.

Here is a relevant feedback request that I recommend upvoting:

For the mobile app the switching between organizations has recently been improved with the multi-account login support.


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