🥅 New Updates to Goals! Salesforce Integration, Duplication & Process Workflow Template

Hi, Asana Community!

Zaraida Diaz here from Asana’s Product Marketing team :wave:t3:

I’m excited to share some recent updates to Goals to help you set and achieve your goals for the remainder of the year.

Salesforce for Goals Integration

Our previously announced Salesforce for Asana Goals integration is now live!

With this integration, you can connect your Asana goals with data and insights from Salesforce to help you monitor impact - without the manual work. Plus, you can create goals in Asana directly from Salesforce.

As work happens in Salesforce, the progress of linked goals in Asana automatically updates based on data in Salesforce reports, providing greater visibility into progress against strategic initiatives and revenue goals. Easily create and view reports of your Salesforce-powered goals in Universal Reporting to make informed and actionable decisions.

Goals Duplication

Now you can save time by duplicating existing goals when creating a new goal. When duplicating a goal, you can specify which attributes they would like copied over to the new goal.

Goal duplication1

Asana-created goals process workflow template

We published an updated goals process Asana-created template to help you draft your goals. This new template features a form and automation to make it easier for you to orchestrate your organization’s or team’s goals process in Asana. This template is available on all tiers but has some integrated features that are limited to Business and Enterprise customers.

Get started with Asana Goals today (available to Business and Enterprise customers only) and of course, if you have any comments or questions, feel free to post them in the comments below.



Thanks @Zaraida_Diaz :wave:

Goals duplication will save quite some time in the OKR methodology.

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Very excited about Goal duplication!

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