Welcome @Trevor_Green !
If it is considered, it will be added to Topics tagged considered
If it is in development, it will be added to Topics tagged in-development
There is no sure way to get this acknowledged and addressed, but you can increase your chances of it happening by explaining the impact of (not) having this feature in a single thread. So if there is an existing thread in Product Feedback it’s better to merge as it makes it more clear at a glance how many people are asking for this and why.
Focusing the discussion on the feature and the sense/value of it helps. For this understanding your context and desired outcome is essential.
Currently - to me - it feels like your feedback is focused more on how you’d like to achieve something rather than explaining the why behind the request. It appears your goal is to manage workload, but it is unclear to me why Asana’s workload feature doesn’t work for you.
Also see: 📚 How to share your product feedback and
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