New Due-Date Calendar, Keyboard Functionality Limited

Hi all, for the recent update to the calendar when selecting due dates, it’s lost a little bit of functionality. As a big fan of keyboard shortcuts, I used to be able to select tasks, type tab+D, and then type something like “today,” “tomorrow,” or “wednesday,” then click enter, and the task would now be due on that day. The new pop-up doesn’t allow for typing in. Additionally, it’s a bit weird to use since after you click on the date, you have to just click somewhere else on asana to close the window. It was nice before when a date was selected, the window would close and we could move on to the next thing. The way to close it is no longer very intuitive.

It would be nice if old keyboard shortcut functionalities could be kept regardless of new features being added.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Close date picker automatically after selecting the due date