New Action Rule to move info between CUSTOM FIELDS based on certain triggers

Hi fellow Asana users!

I’m still finding new ways to use ASANA to make to do’s and workflow easier within our company.

I started using ASANA for budget planning, for example. I use ASANA to schedule payments and using number column totals and I then use filtering to see daily or weekly totals. Works like a charm!

It would be even greater if there would be a Rule Action where you could tell ASANA to move the info from one CUSTOM FIELD to ANOTHER.

This would be really helpful for planning - e.g. moving amounts from column UNPAID to PAID or in budget planning from AVAILABLE BUDGET to SPENT BUDGET…

I’m sure that there are many more ways why this feature to use a Rule Action to move info between custom fields would be useful depending on certain triggers…

What do you think? Please vote up if you think this would be useful too!

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Waiting for a solution, my company uses a workaround: a service we built to “compute” custom fields based on a custom formula. That would allow us, in your case, to move a value from one field to another based on a dropdown.

Hi @Helene,

FYI you can accomplish this with our Flowsana integration. You can use its variable substitution capability to specify a custom field. In other words, you’d build a rule that would look something like:

[whatever trigger condition you want]
Set the value of custom field Paid Amount to {task.Unpaid Amount}

(Note: This works where the destination custom field is a text-type custom field.)