"Neutralize" all tasks when a project is Archived

We frequently archive projects here. These are projects that, for whatever reason, die before they hit production (we don’t win the bid, the building is canceled, client’s building permit is denied, etc).

As a result, we have a LOT of multi-homed tasks that end up staying stuck in those secondary projects and it makes for an UTTER mess trying to work through them, especially when we have a busy year like we did last year.

We don’t have time to manually pick through those projects and kick all those secondary tasks out and we dont’ want to wholesale delete them either because occasionally we do need to view them to retrieve info. We just need them “un-multi-homed” from other projects, and unassigned from anyone they are assigned to, so that secondary projects and my-task lists are emptied of unnecessary tasks.

How can we do this?

Hi @Matt5, I know it’s not ideal, but before you archive the project you can go into the list view and bulk select the tasks (Click the top task, hold shift, click the bottom task). Using the options from the pop-up on the bottom, you can remove them from other projects by selecting the “Edit project or section” button.


@Matt5 If @Jeremy_Long’s suggestion doesn’t work well enough for you, it might be worth giving feedback on this. :slight_smile:

See: 📚 How to share your product feedback


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