Need to create a new organization, but already belong to someone else's organization

I am not sure this is the right area to create this topic, so my apologies if it isn’t. My wife and I would like to start using Asana for all of our projects. After being a part of this last project with a client who invited us to their organization in order to track our project together, we want to be able to do the same. Unfortunately, there isn’t any visible way to do this. The knowledge base says that when you create a new account an organization is set up for your domain name. If that is the case and it was automatically created, we have no access to it. In the profile area under our profile pic, it only shows one company under the organization and that is the company we are working with. Can someone provide some guidance on how we can set up our own instance. Thanks.


Hi Dee,

If you have email address from a different domain (than the one you already belong to), then you should be able to create another organization. Is that the case?
If you open the parameters (by clicking on you profil picture on top right corner), and go to Account, then you can create a new workspace from there.
Have you tried that?



Hey @Julien_RENAUD, yes my email domain is different than the clients email domain that they used to set up their account. I did see the option to create a new workspace. I was under the impression that it would create a new workspace under their organization which I definitely did not want to do. Is that how it works? If I create a new workspace, it will belong to my email domain and not the organization that I am currently logged into? Thanks for the response by the way.


Hey @Julien_RENAUD, LOL. Nevermind. It seems my wife and I were both trying to do it at the same time and the organization was created under her account and not mine. I had her send me an invitation and now we are both under the same organization. Thank so much for your help!

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Yes it creates a new workspace, and if you have a domain name then it will be automatically recognized as an organization, and if not then you can convert it to an organization.

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ok perfect :+1: You’re welcome :slight_smile:

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