I am a super admin for my org and have setup automations which move tasks between sections (i.e. Raised, Defined, In Progress, Reviewing, Done) in between projects. I would like to have this setup on my tasks area for all our employees. This way the tasks appear in the same section as the relevant board they are on. Anyone can set this up by themselves, but there is no way to do that by default preset from admin. You can create new projects using preset templates, but don’t have that feature for My tasks area. We also need more filtering capabilities in My tasks board. As of now, you can’t filter/sort by Project (only in list view).
Hi @Konstantin_Popov1 , welcome to the forum! I agree that standardizing My tasks would be helpful (other users have different perspectives, which you can check out in the thread below).
For your specific use case (standardizing stage/status sections), you might want to make that a global custom field, which people can then group by on their My tasks board view.
Hi Stephen,
Thanks for the reply! I have created it a global field exactly with that aim. The idea is to have the automations automatically move the relevant task to the relevant stage/section in the corresponding projects. This is indeed working for us, but I have to manually setup the automations on each persons my task via remote screen sharing.
Hi @Konstantin_Popov1 ,
If I’m understanding your intentions correctly, you actually wouldn’t need rules in their My Tasks. In board view, you can group by sections or by a single-select field (like stage):
This doesn’t completely solve your issue, as you will still need people to add this field into their My tasks and then group by it in board, but I do think that’s easier than needing to create sections and rules.
That said, I have upvoted your post, as I would also like more admin control of other people’s My tasks as an admin. Please make sure you vote your your post as well!
I have setup Asana with default project boards for almost all boards. Here is how My tasks board view looks like:
Here is how a default project board looks like:
Here is the automation which changes the single select field “Board Section” when the task is moved to a different section:
Here is the automation when the single select field “Board Section” is changed, the task gets moved to the relevant section.
The purpose of this is that irrelevant of whther the task appears on our drawing board, project board or My tasks…whenever someone moves the task to section “Defined”, this creates a trigger which move that task to the same section in all boards.
Section (real section of any board using the default template) = Board Section (Single-Select field which is used to mirror in what Section the task is)