My Copied Project isn't appearing in my team

I duplicated a project to another team within my organization – it took quite a while to process. I got the email with the new link to the project and it looks good, but it’s not appearing in the side-nav, so I can’t get to it without that particular link. Is there a reason it may be missing?

Hi @JD_Nelson :wave:t3:To get this new project in your sidebar, I’d recommend favoriting it; you can easily do so by clicking on the little star next to your project title. This project will then be available under the “Favorite” section of your sidebar.

Hope this helps, let me know if you have any follow up questions!

turns out when I duplicated it, it didn’t move to the other list, it just duplicated to the bottom of the current team – I then had to move it. The frustrating part was that when I was IN the list, it didn’t become ‘active’ in the tree on the left, it just left me hanging without knowing where I truly was…