Yesterday my whole account disappeared from Asana. When I try and login it says I need to reset my password and I will receive it within 5 minutes. I have done it so many times and not got anything. Please let me know how to get back into my account, otherwise I am not going to be able to get paid this month or do my job so I will get fired. Thanks
I’m so sorry to hear this.
You’ve probably already thought of this, but any chance the email you’re typing is not the actual one you used to create your login originally?
Any chance the reset pwd email is going to your spam folder?
Otherwise, your best is as follows, though I’m afraid Support is backed up now and it might take a few days (@Forum-team, any possibility to escalate?).
Try these troubleshooting steps, then please create a support ticket: see How to contact our Support Team.
Hi, thanks for your quick reply. I have double checked the email address and the junkmail with no luck. I had a response from support last night who said to get back into my account just to reset the password I replied and explained it won’t let me and now I have heard nothing. The file number is ]1233463. The support person mentioned projects that they would only know about from being able to see my account, so I am praying they can get me back in. I guess I just have to be patient if they are backed up. Has this happened to others? Thanks again
Does anyone know how long I expect to wait for a response from Asana? Thanks
Hi @Robin_Hammond1, sorry for the trouble! As @lpb mentioned, unfortunately our Support team is a bit backed up at the moment, so responses are slower than usual.
Although we don’t have access to account details here in the Forum, I want to reassure you that data loss issues are very unlikely to happen. Even if your account was accidentally deactivated by you or someone in your organization, Support can help you recover it. This doesn’t seem to be the case here, based on your comment.
Your issue might be related to our new email policy, which separates personal and corporate accounts and may require setting a new password.
Since you’ve received an initial reply from Support, please wait for their follow-up. They handle tickets based on the order they’re received, so following up before they get to your last message can push your ticket to the back of the queue based on the date and time of your last reply. The queues are handled this way to ensure that all requests are handled fairly and as fast as possible.
Hope Support resolves this soon!
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