Moving Projects within a Portfolio

Wondering if anyone can help.
I am the owner of a portfolio and used to be able to drag and drop projects to reorder them within it - I no longer can. Has the functionality changed or do I need to update a setting?

I have had this happen, and it was related to the fact that I only had comment access for the projects that wouldn’t move.

Is this the case for you?

Thanks - but no - I am a project admin for all projects on the portfolio


Have you cleared any active sorts?

ah ha - heading in the right direction - there is only 1 active sort for ‘Portfolio phase’ and if I clear this I can move projects around. If I put the sort back in, I can’t.

What I don’t understand is that this sort has been active for 18+ months as it is used day to day to manage our whole orgs projects through their lifecycle phases … I have always been able to reorder projects manually with this sort in place - until now.

That’s odd. I would expect a sort to generate a sequence, not allow for manipulation.

I can move the project to Tips and Tricks if you like more input, as there will be a lot more people able to see it there.

ooh - yes please, thanks!

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I also had this exact same thing happen today. We’ve been able to move projects before with the Sort on, but now we can’t.

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