Moving projects to another team, visible in both teams

Hi @Omer_Buttt , are you by any chance in a Division or Team subscription, instead of an Organization?

See below point 3, here.


image (2)

I think this is what you asking right?

Yes, this is the reason why your project’s access settings are locked to just ‘Private to members’. In a Division, a project cannot be shared to the entire organisation.

@Richard_Sather even not with the admin accounts?

I doesn’t have to do with user permissions - an Asana Admin will see the same. It has to do with the data model.

But, it could very well be that you are unintentionally setup as a Division, rather than an Org.

It’s best to discuss with your Asana Admins and understand the reasons why they chose a Division. Then, you could contact Asana support to see what your options are.