Move multiple projects from one Team to another at once

Would be great to move projects from one Team to another in large batches, rather than one at a time. For example, if two teams need to be merged together to mirror organizational changes.

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Hi @Justine_D!

This is a great request, thanks for sharing. We currently don’t have the option to move multiple teams (including all its projects) at once but I believe it can be a good addition.

I also recommend you having a look at this thread with some workarounds: Merge Two Teams - #5 by Henrique

I hope this helps!

Hmm. That’s not really a workaround because you need to move every project one at a time. Unless I am misunderstanding? I did understand that you can move a project from one team to another, individually.

My organization currently has almost 300 teams (clients, internal teams, individual teams, etc.). I understand why a person needs to be a member of a team in order to move a project into it. However, that list of teams you want to move the project to can get very long. There’s no easy way to sort through the available teams: they aren’t alphabetical, and there’s no type-ahead functionality. So I have to scroll through dozens, if not hundreds, of teams until I find the right one. It looks like the order they are displayed in is somewhere between when the team was created and when the user looking for it became a member. To be honest, it doesn’t make much sense what order they’re in. How can we make finding the correct team easier when moving a project to a new team?

We actually just went through an audit of our teams after doing an session with our onboarding specialist from Asana who explained the potential dangers of using ‘teams’ as ‘projects’ (which is how some of our project leads were utilizing and it sounds like your team might be as well). One thing I try to remind project leads is that you can always make private projects and invite everyone involved/add collaborators instead of creating a new team every time there is a project. I know our rep stated having 80+ was a lot and Asana standards state your teams should ideally mirror your org structure. Maybe consider consolidating and expectation setting before it gets too robust to manage. I know you can move individual projects from the menu drop-down to ‘Move to another team’ but that’s one big scroll bar as well.

Here is the ‘Setting up Teams in Asana’ information I got from our rep:


  1. Set up Teams in Asana to mirror the customer’s internal org chart
  2. :white_check_mark: Especially if you’re implementing Asana org-wide, your Team structure should closely mirror your org chart. These teams should represent functional groups within the organization (e.g. Marketing, Sales, Product). This becomes valuable when you want to use Team Conversations to share team-wide announcements, celebrate major accomplishments, or talk about multiple projects at a time.
  3. :white_check_mark: Create one Team in Asana for everyone and name it “All Staff”. Use this team to host “official” company-wide projects, and share company-wide messages.
  4. Less is more. Be conservative when creating Teams in Asana. Having too many “Asana Teams” will become overwhelming, and make it difficult to track and find work later on.
  5. :white_check_mark: Create private projects instead of small subteams.
  6. :white_check_mark: Use Portfolios to track cross-functional initiatives , and practice archiving projects that are no longer active. You may consider creating teams for other cross-functional groups that work together (e.g. Summer Interns for 2020). However, err on being more conservative.

Good luck!



The info @Annalice_Townsend shared is helpful, and you may also appreciate additional detail in my take here:



Hi @Tiara_Moske,

Thanks for sharing this feedback! :clap:t2: I’ll loop back in on this thread should there be any updates to this functionality!

Thanks @lpb and @Annalice_Townsend for jumping in with some great insights! :heart_eyes:

Don’t forget to upvote the feature request if you think it would be a great addition to Asana!


Is there a way (I know there wasn’t) to mass move projects from one team to another?

Doing this would allow us to keep our reporting tighter, since there is currently no way to filter based on calendar year or fiscal year to date (it’s just “last x month/x year/x day”)—correct me if I’m wrong though!!

The thought is that at the end of the fiscal year, one of our division admins would just move all completed projects to another “archive” team (2023 archive, 2024 archive, etc) to allow for the main team to just reflect in progress work.

Hello @b_free,

as far as I know this isn‘t possible at the moment.

However I have found an existing feedback request thread and merged your post.

You can vote by scrolling to the top and clicking on the purple „vote“ button.

Not sure if having all these projects in a portfolio instead might be of any help?

Bumping this + voting
I can see at least two use cases:

  1. When organizational changes / restructuring happen, having an easy way to migrate projects en-masse would be extremely useful to reflect new teams
  2. When companies start using Asana, they often start with smaller groups. As more members join an Asana instance, they might want to start new Asana teams and migrate their projects over.