Missing view options for Tasks Completed recently

@Alexis It has been almost three weeks since your last note on this topic, saying “no plans to bring back this functionality”.

Some observations:

  • Users continue to find this thread and share their displeasure with the change.
  • By my count 37 people have now taken the time to tell you this decision has profoundly impacted the way they use your product.
  • This thread has the most comments of all the posts in your “Product Feedback” category (aside from a monster “wishlist” thread)
  • Asana’s stated goal is to “…help humanity thrive by enabling all teams to work together effortlessly”. This change increases effort for many of us.

At the very least, can your product team articulate a clear reason to support the decision to abandon this functionality? Better yet—again—please reconsider, and quickly! :slight_smile: As it is, the company position comes off as callous and indifferent to its user-base (despite your personal engagement in these forums, Alexis).

Finally, here is a quick mockup of how you might incorporate this back into your new, simpler design.
