Mentioning/Assigning by Team

As far as I can tell, I can only @mention individual people and not teams. I just had to ask everyone else on my team what they thought of something one person wrote in a task comment (i.e. there were no collaborators already), and it was very tedious to enter each person’s name manually.

It would also be helpful to be able to assign a task to a team, which would act as a shortcut for creating an instance of the task for each team member.

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@Craig_Fifer I think the idea is to use Team Conversations and then reference the associated Task. Check here → Team Conversations.


That wouldn’t​ serve the same purpose. In particular, it would merge together lots of unrelated discussion, and there’d be no way to look at a task and see its discussion history.


I hear you, Craig! It would be helpful to at mention teams and we’ve noted your feedback. At this point conversations are the best bet or simply adding each name manually. If you’d like to reduce lots of unrelated discussion, you could also assign a feedback subtask to multiple people. We do this, actually. If we need feedback on a piece of copy, for instance, we’ll create a review task and use the “assign to multiple” feature. You’d still have to write each name, but it would reduce overall clutter. Hope this helps!



I am able to assign one task to a team. It makes one task to each team member. Is that what you wanted?

Yes, sounds like it. How/where do you choose the team?

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Silly me! When you select assign copies you can also assign to a team. Good call @nfuste! :sweat_smile:

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As @Alexis says, when you create a task, instead of typing a member’s name you can write the name of a team.

I’m happy to help.

Have a nice day!

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Okay, I think I’ve narrowed down the problems:

  • In the mobile app, you can’t @mention teams in either assignments or comments.

  • In desktop, you can @mention teams in comments and Assign Copies, but you can’t @mention teams in the default assignment field (i.e. the one you use for a single person before you click the Assign Copies icon).

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When I mention teams in comments, the individual in the team don’t get notification. Nor do they become collaborator of the task neither. It’s like I just simply typed plain texts. Not mentions.


A consistent @mention team in assigning task copies, comments (and have the member team as collaborator) would be helpful instead of doing this one by one.
It does not seem that complicated considering what is available and would simplify certain use cases

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I have same problem as @Vib_Wor - I am unable to @ mention a team in a task comment, it just shows as plain text. I would find this very helpful as a means of notifying a group of people.

I don’t think that assigning a team to a task is a good idea. It raises lots of questions about responsibility and what not.

I noticed it is possible to to tag teams, however, the team name links within a comment - but doesn’t dispatch a notification of any kind.

Am I experiencing a bug, or is there a way to turn on team-wide notifications for a mention within a different team’s task?

I think this is not a bug, you can’t @mention a team. You can only assign task duplicates to a team. @Marie do you confirm?

Hi @Gerard_Uht and @Bastien_Siebman and my apologies for the delay in responding to you.

This is not a bug, you can @mention teams in Asana, clicking on the Team name will automatically take you to the Team page (on which you can see all members and and project of the Team), however it will not generate any notification. This is an expected behaviour and something we might look into in the future, but I can confirm this is not a bug!

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Please add team tagging + team notification. It’s a crucial feature for my (and I’m sure many others’) workflow to address teams in an efficient way. I’d volunteer to test that feature.

Thank you!


This feature is still needed!
Slack and Teams solved team mentioning via “@channel”, MS Planner via “@all”.

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I am wondering if this is a technical limitation (expensive to code) or a philosophical decision (don’t want people to notify everyone all the time). :thinking:

Would be great to have a way to @mention a team of two or more people


Hello, is this a feature that has been added? To generate notifications when tagging a team?