We often have many people on a project or a team, as well as many in our full set of teams.
I want to be able to do all these things:
When I create a task, I sometimes want notification to go to everyone on that project, without having to go hunt for a list of names to tag or add as collaborators one at a time. Maybe something like @project-members so they all get notified. However, I do not know of a way to connect people to a project, as we can to a team or task.
When I create a task, I sometimes want notification to go to everyone on that team, without having to go hunt for a list of names to tag or add as collaborators one at a time. Maybe something like @team-members. Aah, it seems that I might be able to use @teamname (whatever teamname is). Tried once before and do not think it worked, but seemed to last night. Perhaps there is a trick or just an error first time.
When I create a task, I sometimes want notification to go to everyone. @Bernie_Orelup suggested creating a team called “staff” with everyone, and sending to it. That could work, but it would be nice if Asana just let us tag “everyone” or whatever, rather than our having to keep and maintain a list of people that the app already has.
When you create a task in a project, project members will be notified if they check the Tasks Added checkbox in Share button > Manage Notifications. Instead of a task, you can create a new project Conversation–initially it will be seen by all project members, but unless you or someone manually adds Collaborators, they won’t see subsequent replies.
Not possible with a task. Consider: create a new team Conversation–initially it will be seen by all team members, but unless you or someone manually adds Collaborators, they won’t see subsequent replies.
You’d have to use 2. above.
@mentions work for one Asana member or guest at a time. You can also @mention tasks, conversations, projects, and teams–those entities themselves; not people, so those won’t help you.
You can create one or more “model” tasks, one time add all collaborators you want (maybe one for all in a team, another for all in the company, and then anytime you want to create a new task based on it, use Duplicate Task in the task’s context menu or Task Detail “. . .” overflow menu.
FYI…if you’re asking about how features work, usecases and #tipsandtricks are good categories; if you’re are making a request, use #productfeedback.
Here is a screen grab where I tried to tag the entire team. Asana says 3 people will be notified. As you can see on the left, there are way more team members than that.
Hi Larry, Thank you! Still trying to get the hang of it.
Is there a way to automatically add to a project all of the members of the team where it appears?
So for Number 2: you are saying that we can’t @mention a team and have the whole team be notified? Even if it’s in a comment or anything else? To me this seems like common sense to have. There should be a notification board or something for each team.
For example, if there is an IT team within the agency, and it’s multiple people. It would be easier for someone to just say “@IT I need xyz”. The IT team within Asana would then be notified, and anyone could follow up.