Meeting notes on Asana

We are trying to display the weekly notes in asana on the project they are associated with and tag people on their action points. I have tried adding this in “Conversations” and as a task but it’s not the most user friendly. How do other people do this?

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So you do a weekly review where you say “Bob should do A, Bryan should do B” right? Bob and Bryan might not be present so you need to ping them? Assigning tasks or pinging in the comments is not enough?

Hi @Harriet_Connolly and @Bastien_Siebman
While I was reading your messages, I remembered an interesting Coffee Talk discussion that could be useful for you:


If anyone searching the forum is struggling with using Asana for meetings, I might suggest with its Asana integration.

Hugo auto-organizes meeting notes based on your calendar, and you could add a tag for the specific project. Then, using Hugo’s Asana app, you can highlight text in your meeting notes, and turn those highlights into Asana tasks.

With Hugo:

  • meeting notes are easily organized by project
  • tasks still live in Asana

(Also, Hugo has a generous free plan so it’s easy to try.)

Don’t forget to mention your work at Hugo :slight_smile: Anyone else tried Hugo ? I’d like to add it to The ultimate guide for doing things with Asana

My team uses a single board for a reoccurring meeting. Each column is dated and then the agenda items are added in cards. The cards can then be assigned and individuals can add the card to their personal task lists or if they use the built in task function once they are tagged it will appear there. Works really well and keeps us organized!


thanks for the tip

Hi Danielle,
This sounds like a good idea. Do you have an example or any screenshots you could share? I am having trouble envisioning this, but also understand if you can’t share private stuff!

SO I stole this meeting format from Trello back when we used that tool before switching to Asana. LOL! I also use the Templates feature here, so these are all standard elements to our staff meeting that we cover every week. People add other topics / items as needed. Here are the instructions on how to use the board format:

How team meetings work

For each meeting, there will be someone’s face on the “meeting lead” card. They’re in charge of wrangling any last minute attendees (messaging them if they’re not there), running the meeting, making sure everything on the cards is covered, keeping us all on topic, and tabling conversations for auxiliary/follow up meetings if they run long.

There will also be someone’s face on the “scribe” card.
See a full description on this blog post

When you’re thinking about putting something on here:

  • Shipping things is cool. Tell us all about it.
  • Is it relevant to at least two teams apart from your own? If not, maybe a different forum’s better.
  • Could you use chat for this?

    Running the meeting
  • Say hi!
  • Make sure everyone’s here.
  • A volunteer, or failing that, the last person to arrive will be the scribe and take notes. Make sure this is locked in. As conversations about the cards on this list happen, scribe will add comments summarizing the conversation.
  • If there’s a card for a daily ritual, do it! It might be going over projects, or sharing things that team members did for you this week, or talking about mistakes.
  • Go through the cards that people added to discuss. Ask whoever added the card to introduce it and lead that part of the conversation. The scribe will take notes.
  • If the topic’s running long (everyone’s time is being used for this), politely cut it off and suggest moving it out of the meeting. This applies to bravos and woes too.
  • Nice work, the meeting’s over! Archive cards that don’t need to come up next meeting.
  • Leave the list like you’d like to find it.
  • Choose someone else on the team to be meeting lead next time. Put their face on the meeting lead card, remove yours.
  • Move any “day of week” cards back up above the “To Discuss”.
  • Put any “day of week” cards that will be relevant to the next meeting under the “To Discuss” card.
  • Enjoy your team’s well-run meeting and clear team communication that just happened!
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This is awesome! Thank you so much for the info!

We have two, standing weekly meetings. The topics are the same but the agenda items are different (make sense?) One day we cover one list of projects and the second meeting covers a separate list of
projects. We really need a way to keep this in Asana. Right now everything is in a word doc that I share and make notes during the call. I’m still lost as to how to achieve this in Asana. Would appreciate any other ideas or suggestions, thank you!

Hello @Shelley_Godnai welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:

I recommend the following as an example:

  • Create a meeting project.

  • Create two template tasks with the different agenda. Every discussion point is added as a subtask.

  • Set up stages/sections depending on your needs (could be for example upcoming, in progress, action steps after meeting, and more)

  • Add custom fields to the project such as: multi-select for meeting participants, etc

  • Create a task from the task template.

  • When you have the call define one person responsible for taking notes. They would then add detailed notes for everything that has been discussed in the relevant subtasks and if there is anything to be actioned assign the task accordingly.

Hope that helps :slight_smile: