Manage your nonprofit's fundraising event planning and digital campaign efforts with Asana

Nonprofits depend on a mix of revenue streams to stay in operation, advance their missions. In an analysis of nonprofit giving in 2017 by “Giving USA”, of the $410.02 billion dollars donated to nonprofit organizations in the United States, 70% of that (or $286.65 billion!) came from individual donations, 5.2% up from 2016.

To help nonprofits more effectively manage their ability to capitalize on the largest source of nonprofit giving, Asana is proud to introduce two more fundraising focused templates to help support those critical needs: digital fundraising campaigns and fundraising event planning.

:man_technologist: Tips on how to get started! :woman_technologist:

To start using this template click the quick add+ button, in the upper right corner of your Asana instance, and select Project. You’ll find both the “Digital Fundraising Campaign” and “Fundraising Event Planning” templates in the “Operations” section of the template category selector.

For an overview with helpful tips for how to use each templates, click the links below to access guide articles published as an additional resource:

Both of our digital fundraising campaign and fundraising event planning templates contain detailed Tasks that should be unpacked and converted into their own projects. This is because when you convert a Task into a Project, each of it’s Subtasks will be converted to a Task allowing you to organize your work in calendar or timeline view, in addition to enabling custom fields to be applied to those Tasks.

  1. :chart: Digital Fundraising Campaign :chart:

Our digital fundraising campaign template contains two sections. The first is designed to store incoming campaign briefs, which should provide a clear insight into the goals of each campaign. The second section is designed to help you plan, manage and track your digital fundraising campaign- it’s message, your strategies and collateral you plan to use across the digital platforms you’re looking to have a presence in.

When you’re ready to launch a new campaign, make a copy of the [Example] Campaign Task, convert it to a project, and begin assigning tasks/adding start and due dates

Asana Business Pro Tip: Nonprofits often need to execute simultaneous fundraising campaigns at the local and national level. To help you effectively keep track of and manage more than one campaign at a time, create a portfolio and add each campaign project from this template there.

  • This fundraising campaign portfolio will become a powerful dashboard that will empower you with the high level information you need to stay informed of progress, with the ability to drill in to each campaign, for added info when it’s time to access the details you need.
  1. :memo: Fundraising Event Planning :memo:

Asana’s fundraising event planning template was built with two sections as well. The first is intended to serve as a space to store an active backlog of fundraising event ideas that your organization can select when it’s time to think of a event.

Once you have selected a fundraising event you’re ready to plan for, make a copy of the [EXAMPLE TASK] - Fundraising Event or Gala" task, the convert it to a Project. and begin assigning tasks/adding start and due dates.

Asana Business Pro Tip: To help you manage incoming RSVPs for your day of event, create a project dedicated to keeping track of attendees. Once you’ve created this project, build a form and add the appropriate custom fields to keep track of information you need like food plate selection, the number of guests they intend to bring or the money they are pledging in support.

  • Use a URL shortening service( like to create user friendly links you can include in the email invitations you provide your guests. This will help you keep track of confirmed invites and their specified needs for the event!

:mailbox_with_mail: We’d love to hear from you :mailbox_with_mail:

Whether you’ve used Asana to manage fundraising campaigns or events in the past or if either of these template encourage you to think of using Asana features in a new way, we’d love to hear your feedback on this template in the comments below!


Great stuff! Thank you!

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Of course @Crystal_Alifanow!
Do you currently use Asana for either workflow at your current nonprofit; nonprofit event planning or digital fundraising campaigns?

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