Live activity updates


I am Sanjar Rahimov, a consultant in Juru Energy Ltd. an international energy consulting firm. Our teams were gradually shifting to Asana since August 2020 and so far we love it. There are a couple of suggestions though that could have made Asana better.

One of the inconveniences we are facing is when you are on any project or task page, it is not immediately obvious what recent activities have been performed. Inbox shows recent activities but it includes all projects and tasks where you are an assignee or collaborator.

One of the possible solutions is that Asana could introduce a window on the right-hand side of the project/task where activities are shown live (project/task-specific). User can determine what type of activities wants to see.

Seeing activities live has the benefit of identifying quickly where the “action” is taking place and jumping in performing tasks quickly.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Create Activity feed to Teams & Projects