Jira Cloud integration syncing wrong instance (QA instead of PRD)

Hi all, hope anyone may help me.

I’m trying to setup an integration between a Jira Portfolio Project and a common project in Asana, but when installing Jira Cloud app, even when I select my PRD Jira’s environment, it finishes the setup and syncs with my Jira’s QA environment.

I’ve already tried to remove and reinstall; started from scratch on a new asana project; and even re-installing and choosing the QA env instead of PRD, but it keeps syncing with QA env.

Another issue I also found was when removing the app and re-installing, all first setup screens were skipped and was not possible to choose the desired environment again. Since it’s not possible to change that after installing the app, the only turnaround I found was creating a new project.

Does anyone have an idea on what’s possible going on? I can share more information and screenshots if needed.

Thanks in advance!

Quick update here, Asana’s support replied saying this is a known issue and they are working to fix it but without an ETA.